Midterm time, half way through the semester and its finally starting to look like winter outside, Hallelujah.
(for those that might read this that are not in my class, these are questions I was asked to give my response to)
(for those that might read this that are not in my class, these are questions I was asked to give my response to)
1. What is your definition of social sustainability?
A society
that is able to not only sustain itself for future generations by how it
handles and uses its resources, but also a society that can combine a multitude
of different races, religions, beliefs and continue to live with respect and
understanding that allows each to survive and grow for the future.
2. In your own words what is social justice?
being treated equally in terms of other people’s actions and receiving the same
rights regardless of who they are or what their culture or beliefs might be.
Not allowing racism to be play a factor in decisions that harm others and
having laws actually protect and give rights to everyone and not just a few.
3. What is the biggest lesson you've learned from this class so far
this semester?
biggest lesson I’ve learned is that environmental racism is a major problem in
our country and it is something that I was really not aware of until this
semester. It is an issue that continues to happen without a lot of people aware
of what is going on.
4. What question(s) would like us to answer next semester?
-Besides coming to class and talking about the
different issues or our opinions, what ways can we actively become involved,
what can we do to help?
-Who are the main players or companies that are
harmful to achieving social justice and social sustainability in the U.S. and
the world?
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