Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Research Paper Update..........

So far with my topic on women's health care and reproductive rights I have just gotten into the history of women's reproductive rights and the women who was the founder of the movement and her back ground. Her name is Margaret Sanger and she was born into a Irish catholic family and became a maternity nurse for women in urban areas of New York in 1910. Her thoughts and views in 1910 are identical to what I think about our reproductive rights. That a women's body belongs to herself and no one else not even a religious organization,also birth  control helps to control family size. From what I have read so far on Margaret she seems like a pretty awesome women who understood the importance of reproductive rights while living in an time when women were not allowed to vote yet and had not voice.
The second view on this topic I've been looking into is the involvement from religious organizations and the decision and rules placed on women by the men of those organizations. Those religious organizations include Catholicism, Protestant Christianity,Judaism and Islam.

Its been cool to discovered new information I never knew on this suject and some very surprising facts. I'm really looking forward to see what else I'll find out and why we are in the position we are in today on this topic.

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