Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tapped Out

Watch the documentary Tapped last week in class and prior to watching this movie I was already making my way off of the plastic train but now I am officially jumping off that train.
It really made me think of how ridiculous we are as a society to think that one, our tap water is not good enough to drink and two, that I'm not hurting anyone or anything if all I'm doing is buying a bottle of water. I'm sure there are some places in America that have horrible drinking water conditions, but for the majority of us we are not at that place.
I don't think I can count how many times I have been in the Safeway in Truckee and seen several carts with the large packs of Safeway brand bottle water in them, its so funny because I live in an area with some of the best tap water I have ever had. What does that tell us about our intelligence then if living where we do with clean drinking water and yet still buying bottled water because somehow we think its better and cleaner.

Besides the fact that bottles water is not better than our tap water, is the issue with the plastic container it comes in and the truth about the harm it does to the environment and our health.
After watching Tapped I made the connection from issues and situations that happened in the movie to those in regards to my research topic in two ways.
First the pollution and toxins from the plastic plant in Corpus Christi contaminated the surround area so much so that a female resident well actually a few of them developed cancer and ending up dying. Women's health can be affected in more ways than we think and what protection is there for those in a situation such as this. The second connection was that the large water companies made decisions that did not directly affect them or hurt them health wise, even though their decisions greatly hurt and affected people and the environment. Just the same as in women's health and reproductive rights, there are people making the decisions that dont affect them or hurt them but are making a decision that greatly affects women and their health.

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